These scissors are 3.25 inches, and straight.
These scissors are 4.5 inches, curved, and feature blunt tips. *Note: Ac ...
These scissors are 3.25 inches, and curved.
These scissors are 4 inches, curved, and feature blunt points.
These scissors are 4 inches, curved, and feature sharp points.
These scissors are 4 inches, angled on flat, and feature regular 10mm blade ...
These scissors are 3.25 inches, and feature straight, super fine blades. & ...
These scissors are 3.25 inches, and feature curved, super fine blades. &nb ...
These scissors are 3.75 inches, angled over edge, and feature 4mm blades wi ...
These scissors are 4.5 inches, and feature blunt tips and a left inner ...
These scissors are 4.5 inches, and feature blunt tips and a right inner bla ...
These utility scissors are 4.5 inches, curved, and feature blunt tips.
These stitch scissors are 4.5 inches, curved, and feature sharp points. ...
These scissors are 3.25 inches, and angled on the flat.
Curved Sh/Sh 4 1/2 in.11 cm